Thursday, February 6, 2020

Your Guide To Mixed Reality (MR) Technology

Combining aspects of AR and VR, MR (Mixed Reality) is a new-wave technology. MR had its first appearance only in 1994, as opposed to VR and AR that have had decades to develop (dating back to the mid-1800s)implying that mixed reality is just a millennial. People often mistake mixed reality for VR or AR, but the crux is that both the technologies work in tandem to create a mixed reality.
Benefits and uses of mixed reality for business
MR can be extremely helpful in architectural scenarios such as placing machinery in a factory. Worker training and instruction are other cases where this technology is proved to be useful. For example, workers can receive interactive instructions on how to operate machinery or how to work while on the factory floor all by using a headset on their ear! They can also communicate remotely with supervisors, and undergo training programs in preparation for executing business operations.

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