Just about every marketing professional is either using video marketing or planning to soon. Unfortunately, most do it poorly. Many businesses start a YouTube channel, add a video or two expecting to reach a whole new market, and nothing happens. Sure, they get a few views from people around the office, maybe some friends and family. But that’s it.
Now, the absence of traction may dissuade many would-be video marketing hopefuls. However, the figures reveal that sojourning out of the motion-picture gambit may not be an alternative. It inevitably leads you to ask yourself: if my current video distribution methods aren’t getting eyes on the screen.
How can we boost exposure for our videos?
1. Engagement Tracking
The first step to increasing your video marketing exposure is understanding your goals and what metrics you’ll be tracking throughout your campaign. Figuring out what you want your viewers to do is essential because it can help you determine your success level and create better videos on your next go-'round. The action you wish spectators to practice should be simple to both see and achieve. There are multiple items that you can track. Depending on your goal, some will be more valuable to increase exposure than others.
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