Thursday, February 10, 2022

How Can Twitter Videos Help You Grow Your Follower Base?

 Viewers are captivated by Twitter videos, which encourage them to take action. It can be challenging to ensure that your brand's efforts stand out from the crowd on a crowded platform like Twitter, especially in the competitive world of social media marketing. Leveraging one of the fastest growing social platforms, Twitter video, is one of the most reliable ways to have your wish heard and to engage your target audience. In the midst of an ocean of text-based tweets, video content endures on Twitter. And, if you use Twitter video for your profession, you'll be able to tap into user habits that have already been established across the internet. In fact, video consumption now accounts for one-third of all online movement.

These Twitter video statistics demonstrate why video content is so important on Twitter.

# It's a Lot More Fun

Users reward brands who adopt Twitter video—and do so well—with greater engagement ratios. Your Tweets can reach a wider audience and attract new viewers to your brand's account if they receive more engagement.

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